
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Finance and Management - 1

Generally when one thinks of business or getting into one, he generally thinks of 2 things to begin with and deciding on the venture. What is the investment in money terms I would need to do, and if given this investment, by what time would I be able to earn a handsome amount for the time and money invested into the firm. Both these aspects involve money and would fall under the aspect of Finance and its management.

Finance of a company gives an indication of the performance of the company (we will deal with the use of finance as a measure at a later date) and also give sufficient inputs to do an analysis to reveal the health of the firm. For the analysis, three basic materials are used
  • Balance Sheet
  • Income Statement
  • Cash Flow Statement

In the next few blogs we will understand what these base materials are essentially and later on build on these and the way we could analyze. As we proceed from these, we could then move into the realm of corporate finance.

Read in Kannada:

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