Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Positive Thinking - Reducing Stress

In the last byte, we began discussion about individual based means to reducing stress. In today's byte, we look at how positive thinking plays a role in reducing stress.

How does an individual explain the good and bad events that happen in their lives - some think about it in a positive or at least a non-negative style? A positive, optimistic exploratory style is a habit of thinking that is learned over time - there could definitely be some people who are inherently positive in their thinking means. Pessimism is an exploratory style that could lead to depression, physical health problems, and low levels of achievements. The people with a positive thinking and an optimistic outlook are found to be more physically healthy and reach out more achievement.

If we look at how people with positive mind set think, you would observe that they don’t consider bad events and difficult times in their lives as temporary, limited and caused by things other than themselves. They live through all this through all these difficult times with hope. They also take credit of the better things that happen in their lives - they also extrapolate these events to be more pervasive and general - not specific to a one time experience.

Could optimism be learnt? - Though not as a natural form, the nonnegative thinking approach could be learned - This is called Learned Optimism. It begins with identifying pessimistic thoughts and then distracting themselves from these thoughts or disputing them with evidence and alternative thoughts. This non-negative thinking is part of a five dimensions of Positive Organizational Behavior (POB) - the other 4 dimensions are:
  1. Confidence/self-efficacy
  2. Hope
  3. Subjective well-being/happiness
  4. Emotional Intelligence.

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