
Sunday, January 12, 2014

Social Benefits of Group Membership

In the last byte we looked at how work processes help in making a work team more effective. In today's byte, we look at some of the social benefits of group membership.

If we were to wonder if there are any social benefits at all, we begin realizing that there are two broad categories of social benefits:
  1. Psychological Intimacy
  2. Integrated involvement
Psychological Intimacy refers to the emotional and psychological closeness to other team or group members. In case the member doesn’t finds a feeling of affection, warmth, opportunity for emotional expression etc, it would lead to a feeling of emotional isolation and loneliness. While this is important for emotional health and well-being, it need not necessarily achieved in a work setting - this could happen outside the work settings as well.

Integrated involvement refers to the closeness achieved through tasks and activities. This means that a person going through integrated involvement would find a joy and involvement in activities, have a social identity, value for one's skills and abilities etc. If this is not possible it could result in social isolation. Integrated involvement is found to be more behavior and activity based compared to Psychological Intimacy.

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