
Thursday, July 17, 2014

Need for Human Skills for Managers

In the last byte, we looked at how becoming your own career coach would help develop the necessary skills for career management. In today's byte, we look at some of the points for failure of new managers.

Here are some statistics quoted from the reference book:

  • 40 % of new managers fail within the first 18 months on the job!
  • 82% of the failures are because the new manager doesn't buid relationships with peers and subordinates
  • 58% of the failures are because they are confused or uncertain about what their bosses expect
  • 50% of the failures are because of the lack of internal political skills
  • 47% of the failures are due to their inability to achived two or three most important objectives of their new job.
Isn't it pretty clear that these are due to the lack of human skills?

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