
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Organization growth, evolution and revolution challenges

In the last blog, we began looking at the 5 dimension that are important when considering organization development. We have covered 2 of these, and the remaining 3 are being discussed in this blog.

  • Stages of Evolution
  • Stages of Revolution
  • Growth rate of the company

As a company grows from a start up phase the first few months are with enormous confusion, the managerial processes are generally evolving and the challenges are many. There are no defined rules, procesures etc. Once the organization lives through this face, it enjoys a period of stability till another challenge of growth and scale comes in. This mandates another change in the managerial processes of the company. Once this challenge is effectively handled out by the organization there will be  a longer phase of stability - the quiter periods. This is what is indicated by the term "evolution".

A look at the forture 500 list over the last 50 years would indicate definitely that companies in the first 10 years of this search would be very distinct from the once in the last 10 years. This is due to the turbulance these organizations face. The companies might have experienced a long stable period where it wouldnt have to change much of the organization structures and processes to address external challenges. However over a period of terbulance these would have to be changed, the challenge is to find new set of organization practises to handle the new challenges and prepare for the future. These turbulent times is what is meant by the term "revolution"

The stage of the organization where the company is - revolution or evolution is also what defines what the organization structure is going to be.

If a company is in a rapidly changing market then it has to be extremely agile. In a rapidly expanding market the comapny would have to respond by expanding the employee base. This leads to a requirement of a new organizational structure. The length of the evolutionary phase is shortened and the revolutionary phases are more common. Thus the growth rate of the company plays a significant role in the oragnization structure and processes and there by its development.

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