Thursday, January 2, 2014

Communication - Interpersonal Process 4

In the last byte, we looked a set of definitions related to the interpersonal communications model. In today’s byte we attempt to understand some of these concepts in more detail.

As described earlier, feedback refers to the information that is fed back to the communicator after the perceiver has received the message. This completes the two - ways of communication loop. The feedback may or may not be active inherently as part of the model itself. It occurs only when the receiver provides the communicator with a response to the message - the channel of response need not be extremely clear; however there could also be a combination of means through which the feedback could be gained. The challenge Intuit Corporation faced in 2003 regarding the customer uproar and the subsequent usage of internet to manage the impending loss of reputation is an interesting case study in how effective handling of the feedback mechanism could be very important to an organization.

Companies today are operating in a global context. Language of communication is steadily increasing its relevance in this globalization of these firms - the multitude of these multinational organizations (MNC) poses the challenge of language. Language involves not just the words but the pronunciation and the methods of combining them to people around. Language thus could be looked as a possible barrier to communication in such MNC.

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