Friday, January 3, 2014

Communication - Barriers & Gateways

In the last byte, we looked at the need to be sensitive to employees and the way information is to be managed by a supervisor. In today's byte, we begin discussion about barriers and gateways to communication which would be the subject matter of the bytes which would follow.

To begin with defining these terms and understanding them would be the best approach [definitions as per the reference book]:
Barriers to communication - refers to the aspects of communication content and context that can impair effective communication in a workplace.

Gateway to communication - refers to the pathways through barriers to communication and antidotes to communication problems

To solve the problem of barrier to communication, it would be important to first be aware and recognize them. Following is a list of such barriers to communication:
  1. Physical Separation
  2. Status Differences
  3. Gender Differences
  4. Cultural Diversity
  5. Language

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