Friday, January 3, 2014

Communication - Positive Healthy Communication

In the last byte, we looked at the table of common non-verbal cues from managers to employees. In today's byte, we discuss - Positive Healthy Communication.

To begin the discussion, let us define the concept of "communicative disease". Communicative Disease in the contact of discussion here refers to the absence of heartfelt communication in human relationships leading to loneliness and social isolation. Such a behavior is seen to have adverse effect on heart and cardiovascular systems of the body and in extreme cases could also cause premature death.

The term Communicative Disease was coined by James Lynch to explain the above mentioned behavior. He also says that heartfelt communication could be a healing dialogue and could act as an antidote in such cases. This means - the general thought that communication is a cognitive activity of the head would now need to be broadened to also include the role of heart in the communication process.

Positive, healthy communication is an important aspect of "working together" - both interpersonal and interpersonal. A balance between head and heart is achieved when the individual is able to have a health internal conversion between his or her thoughts and feelings, ideas, and emotions! The external or inter-personal dimension refers to the cooperative work behavior based on positive, healthy, and open communication based on trust and truthfulness. Honest competition within the workplace is not inconsistent!

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