Friday, January 3, 2014

Communication - Non Defensive 2

In the last byte, we looked at aspect of non defensive behavior and how it affects a smooth communication. In today's byte, we look at non-verbal communication aspects.

Simply put, non verbal communication refers to all the elements of communication that do not involve words - including gestures, use of space, etc.

It has been observed through research that most of the meaning in a message (from 65% to 90%) is conveyed through nonverbal communication!  Non-verbal communication could be classified into 4 basic categories:
  1. Proxemics
  2. Kinesics
  3. Facial & eye behavior
  4. Paralanguage
It is important to understand that the interpretation of non-verbal communication mode is extremely context specific - it depends on the culture and people involved in the communication. With globalization increasingly influencing day o day aspects of business - understanding these non-verbal customs in other cultures becomes all the more essential for people.

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