Friday, January 3, 2014

Communication - Non Defensive 3

In the last byte, we looked at the various types of nonverbal communication. In today's byte we explore Proxemics in a bit more detail.

Proxemics refers to the study of an individual's perception and use of space. The use of space also includes - "Territorial Space". Territorial space refers to the bands of space extending outwards from the body - indicative of the comfort zone of the individual. As true with the generic hint that we gave stating these nonverbal communication is culturally influences, - in this context too, different cultures prefer different types of interaction with others depending on the comfort zones.

Territorial zones include the following:
  1. Intimate zone
  2. Personal zone
  3. Social Zone
  4. Public Zone
Our relationships with people also shape our use of territorial space

In addition to the territorial spaces, seating dynamics is another interesting dimension of proxemics. Seating dynamics refers to the art of seating people in certain positions according to the person's purpose in communication.

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